
Stay on top of the news that directly impacts the Forex, Index and Commodity markets.


Stay on top of the news that directly impacts the Forex, Index and Commodity markets.

Understanding Inflationary Pressures

Broadly speaking, inflation is a general increase in prices which result in a fall in the purchasing value of money. In this article, we are going to look at measures of inflation and other indicators that can help traders to detect early signs o...

September 14, 2018
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Bank of England Rate Decision – Preview

All the talk about whether Mark Carney will leave the Bank of England in 2019 or not has ended, the current Bank of England governor has extended his stay at the central bank until January 2020 as Chancellor Philip Hammond announced it on Tuesday. ...

September 12, 2018
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All three pairs had a volatile year. Trade and geopolitical tensions have put significant bearish pressures on those pairs. EURUSD, GBPUSD and AUDUSD have seen new lows in 2018, and if the negative environment persists, we might see fresh lows. EUR...

September 11, 2018
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Sweden – First Cashless Society?

When it comes to talking about countries becoming cashless, Sweden appears to be at the forefront of people's minds as the leading contender to achieve this economic transition. Historically, the Swedes have a habit of steering social trends before...

September 7, 2018
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Sweden Election

The Sweden election is set to take place this weekend. Every general election in Europe is revolved about this new dynamic - the rise of anti-EU parties. Euroscepticism and anti-immigration policies are at the heart of the September 9th, General ...

September 7, 2018
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The Art Of War & Trading: Part 3

军形篇 - The Chapter of Tactical Dispositions Original Text: 善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜。 Translation: Good commanders first evaluate the possibility of being defeated and then wait for an opportunity to defeat the enemy. D...

September 6, 2018
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Amazon Joins the Trillion Club

Just over a month ago Apple became the first company to reach $1 trillion market cap after its shares closed at $207 per share. Now Amazon has become the second company to hit the historic milestone after its share price rose to $2,050 per share. �...

September 5, 2018
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Emerging Economies – Growth Potential

  GDP Dominance The United States dominates the world when it comes to having the largest economy by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), however, there are countries around the world which are showing major signs of economic growth and expected to ov...

September 5, 2018
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Art of War and Trading: Part 2

兵者,诡道也。 All warfare is based on deception. Investment is, in essence, a game of intelligence and psychology, and the importance of calculation is behind the first two elements. At first, many beginner traders misunderstand what it mea...

September 3, 2018
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RBA’s Next Move: Up, Down or On Hold?

After a Liberal leadership crisis hit the Australian dollar last week, the victory of former Treasurer, Scott Morrison brought some relief to the markets given that he was the most market-friendly option. This week the Australian banks are in th...

August 30, 2018
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Six Attributes of a Good Trading Plan

  As a trader, you’ve probably found that having the right trading plan plays a significant role in your trading success. A basic trading plan should tell you what, when and how much to trade. It should also have specific instructions on when...

August 28, 2018
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The Art Of War And Trading: Part 1

What Is The Art Of War? The Art of War is an ancient Chinese book on military tactics and strategy who written by Sun Tzu around 500 BC. These writings are considered by many to be the most significant literature on military tactics and wisdom that c...

August 28, 2018
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Global Oil Sentiment May Assist The Loonie

The US Dollar has been crushing it this week against many of the major currency pairs with most of the market chatter surrounding additional rate hikes from the Fed. We'll look at the USDCAD, also referred to as the "Loonie," a pairing that has survi...

August 24, 2018
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World Trade – Winners and Losers

We hear a lot these days about countries having ''trade wars'' between each other, most recently the United States vs China ''trade war'' which was initiated by President Trump and is still ongoing. The United States has a huge trade deficit with Chi...

August 24, 2018
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Italy’s “First Budget” By the Populist Government

The newly-elected populist government in Italy will deliver its very first budget which will be pivotal to the Eurozone area. Italy has the second largest public government debt pile in Europe after the Greeks. The debt to equity ratio in Italy cur...

August 23, 2018
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